Checking permissions in Salesforce is one common thing that all Salesforce admins must agree that takes time and is sacrificing, regardless whether it is for a new implementation or for some small action that a user wasn’t capable to execute.
This post has not intention to explain how to manage permissions via profiles, permissions sets or permission set groups, better than this, I want to share a virtuous way that I’ve taking in consideration in my daily basis whenever I need to check a small permission in a specific object.

All Salesforce users naturally shall be related to a Profile, It enables permissions for objects, fields, apps, features, etc; As consequence, primarily permissions are associated to profiles and permission sets, observe the pyramid model:

Profiles determine Object-Level Security (OLS) and Field-Level Security (FLS).
They control which objects a user is allowed to access (right or write capabilities) and which fields are visible and editable. You can create a fine-grained view of what’s available for a specific object type.


Managing permissions in a profile level may takes a hard work if the organisation has many profiles, therefore updating permissions for one specific field, object, etc would requisite to update all possible affected profiles.


EasyCrud is a Google Chrome extension launched by Ravi Narayanan on Chrome WebStore, It allows Salesforce Admins and Developers to assign CRUD and FLS (Field-Level Security) Permissions from one Single Screen.
Straight away from the object you can have a relation of all permissions related to itself, Additionally it provides ability to export permissions in CSV and also generate dashboard for the permissions.


Simply CRUD and FLS (Field-Level Security) may be managed from the object manager setup. The Google Chrome Extension automatically creates two additional tabs on the object page in order to manage it.

Check the Video Here.

O’REILLY – The sharing model
EasyCurd – Chrome Webstore